About the Tax. In 2005, voters approved the “Save Southern Inyo Hospital Parcel Tax.” The tax is collected every year, and proceeds are used exclusively to fund:
- standby emergency services
- operation, maintenance, and repair of the hospital and grounds
- equipment and services for laboratory, X-ray, and physical therapy
- physician recruiting
You may view the Measure A resolution (Link below).
Amount of Tax. The amount of the parcel tax is based on the following:
- Every parcel pays the base rate of $50.00.
- Parcels with a residence(s) pay an additional $100.00 per residence. (This does not apply to hotels/motels.) A parcel with one residence pays $150.00, with two residences $250.00, etc.
- Parcels with a commercial business or commercial improvements pay an additional $500.00.
- Parcels with a residence and commercial business/improvements pay the commercial rate, not pay the residential rate, for a total of $550.00.
Collection of the Tax. The District has contracted with Inyo County to collect the parcel tax with the County’s annual ad valorem property tax. Each year the District submits to the County the information needed to collect the tax, which the County includes on its property tax bill.
Tax Appeals. Parcel owners may appeal the parcel tax to the District’s Board of Directors. The procedure for an appeal is:
- The appeal must be made within 30 days of the date the County’s property tax bill is mailed (usually, in October). Appeals submitted/postmarked after the 30 day period will not be heard for that tax year.
- The 30-day appeal period is determined by the postmark on appeals that are mailed, the delivery date of appeals emailed, or the date of receipt by the District for appeals delivered personally.
- The appeal must be in writing (an email is sufficient) and submitted to the District’s CEO.
- The appeal must state why the tax should not be imposed, or why it should not be imposed in the amount on the tax bill.
- The Board of Directors will set the appeal for an open and public hearing within 60 days of receipt of the appeal.
- The District will give the person submitting the appeal at least 30-days notice of the date of the hearing.
- The Board of Directors will give its decision regarding the appeal within 15 days of the hearing.
- The parcel tax must be paid even if it is appealed. If the Board of Directors approves the appeal, the District will refund the amount paid after both installments have been paid but not prior to May 1st.
- If the parcel tax is increased as a result of the hearing, the person must pay the full amount within 30 days of the date of the Board of Director’s decision.
Annual Report. Each year, a report is presented to the District’s Board of Directors no later than January 1 stating the amount of parcel tax funds collected and expended and the status of projects funded by the parcel tax. A copy of this report may be obtained by contacting the office of the CEO.